P R I D E ( K I N T S U G I - C O L L E C T I O N ) 2/6


My whole life I came across women who were fighters including the one I saw in the mirror. I have been blessed to have many strong women around me, each with their own tale to tell. Somehow God always connected me to these warriors.

The Kintsugi collection is a depiction of some of those women I have met along my journey, who never stopped fighting no matter how tough life got. ‘Pride’ is specifically inspired by those exceptional women who take pride in who they are, who know their identity is sacred no matter how the past changed them.

Original 30” x 30” Acrylic on gallery style canvas-ready to hang. Calligraffiti is done in Acrylic Inks. Available to shop on my website now. Link in Bio.Percentage of the sale proceeds will be donated towards humanitarian relief.

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